Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Olbermann Nails It: Eight Years in Eight Minutes

How Do I Love Having Barack Obama as my President? Let Me Count the Ways!

It was barely into Day One of the Barack Obama administration that we began to see changes, including some big changes. It's been quite a ride this past week. He:

--Ended the climate in which American citizens are seen as the enemy.
--Ushered in a climate in which more truth-telling has already occurred about spying on Americans (Bush spied on everyone, even journalists).
--Ordered the stopping of last-minute deregulations by George W. Bush.
--Began the process of ending Gitmo.
--Stopped torture.
--Ended restrictions against funding stem cell research.
--Ended the gag rule, which stifled free speech and access to reproductive freedom information in countries accepting US aid.
--Ended "Don't Ask Don't Tell."
--Allowed California and 15 other states to demand higher air quality emission standards of automakers.
--Began seeking accountability in TARP funds.
--Ended the Bush secrecy about presidential papers.
--Began making medical care cost less (by standardizing and digitizing medical records)
--Let America know that the Environmental Protection Agency was back in business.
--Sent an envoy (George Mitchell) to Israel and Palestine.
--Set about to improve relations with the Muslin world.
--Worked with Congress, including the Loyal Opposition, to solve the fiscal crisis.

[I will also enter here one occurrence, a major one, that I dissent from. That is the aerial bombing incursion into Pakistan on Saturday. Nothing good can come of that. I will write more on this, much more, soon.]